The Human Vampire (1889) / The Haunted Chamber (188?) - $18
includes a new transcription of The Haunted Chamber by the Duchess.
Who is draining the lifeblood of young, vigorous children into his withered veins?
Rediscover a ghastly lost tale from the Dime Novel era.
The Human Vampire; Or, The Elixir Of Life is an account of the lurid, sinful unrest of wealthy New Yorker Clifford Derwent. And also of young women who were wedded for their money and mysteriously widowed. And about a manhunt for two beautiful twins snatched from their beds in the dead of night and the unspeakable murder of underprivileged children to brew an unhallowed Magic Elixir.
And who is this man who gets younger?
A brother of one of the widows falls upon this grisly mystery and its morbid truths. Can he stop this crafter of vile deception and a miracle potion?
Nicely paced, sensational in content and ghastly in its themes, The Human Vampire; Or, The Elixir Of Life was published on October 17, 1889 just before Halloween, twenty four years after the Civil War ended and six years before the close of the Wild West Era. This story was surely not conceived during an age of innocence as one might presume it was. If you love Victorian Era fiction, and Roger Corman's 1960s Poe movies, you are in for a treat.
Potions, death, a vengeful gypsy, and more. Written by K. F. Hill (pseudonym used by Lucy A. Baer) and published by Street and Smith of New York City. The main locations are in New York and Savannah, Georgia.
Printed on brittle pulp paper, this is currently the only known existing issue of The Human Vampire; Or, The Elixir Of Life. The pages were scanned and painstakingly reassembled digitally for paperback. Originally issued on October 17, 1889 in time for Halloween.
The Human Vampire; Or, The Elixir Of Life and The Haunted Chamber were published over 130 years ago and are a product of their time. The stories have social norms, prejudices, stereotypes, and attitudes of the era that do not represent today's society or values.
The original cover. Log Cabin Library October 17th, 1889 issue.