


1907 Chicago Projecting Co.'s Entertainer's Supplies Catalog No. 122;  Deluxe Edition

438 Pages, Hundreds of Illustrations.

In 1907 when this mail order catalog was printed audiences were seeing motion pictures, stereopticon lectures and talking machine concerts through traveling showmen events.  This catalog was published several years before nickelodeons and vaudeville shows were about to edge out the traveling cinema shows. The spread of movie theatres throughout the United States was imminent.

This carefully compiled edition shows everything you'll need to buy and know to operate and profit in the booming pre-nickelodeon traveling exhibitor trade!

Each page of has been scanned to 600 dpi TIF files and gently retouched.  This extremely rare showman's catalog is now available for the first time since 1907.

  • Hundreds of Original Illustrations and New Bonus Materials.

  • Over 1,050 Pre-Hollywood Films & 1,000+ Stereopticon Slides & Sets Fully Indexed.

  • More Than 280 Motion Picture and Stereopticon Projector and Equipment Listings. Optigraphs, Stereopticons, Graphophones, and much more!

  • Introduction, Notes and Indexes By Darren Nemeth.

  • All 334 original pages scanned and Photoshopped directly from the rare catalog.


The 23 page index is a free download. Find it in the Facebook group "files" section. No need to look through the back of the book for something. The PDF file is searchable.